Employees That Pay You

Hire Employees that Pay You Instead of You Paying Them – Even if You Don’t Own a Business. That Does Not Compute! At first glance, the subtitle of this article seems illogical and nonsensical but I will demonstrate how true it really is, and how advantageous it can be for building your wealth.

Hire Employees that Pay You Instead of You Paying Them – Even if You Don’t Own a Business

That Does Not Compute! At first glance, the subtitle of this article seems illogical and nonsensical but I will demonstrate how true it really is, and how advantageous it can be for building your wealth.

If you could just accept for a moment that it is somehow possible to hire employees that pay you instead of being paid by you, how many would you hire? Let that question resonate in your mind while you read through the article.

Key Takeaways

  • Point 1
  • Point 2
  • Point 3

If you currently have employees, or have been an employer, you know there can be challenges. Obviously, there are good employees who are a delight to work with (you are undoubtedly one of them yourself), but then there are the others. Even if you’ve never had employees, you’ve most likely witnessed the interactions of your colleagues with their supervisor or boss. Everywhere I have ever worked there is always employee drama somewhere.  It often felt like I was working at “The Office” or “Superstore”.

Many of the challenges of having employees are simply the result of government employment standards and laws. Employees have numerous entitlements which employers are obligated to comply with. It’s not that there is anything wrong with these rights, it’s just that they place a burden of responsibility on employers to supply them, and that costs a lot in terms of time, money, effort, keeping up with regulations, diplomacy, compassion, overcoming personality differences, etc.

There are obligations that employees have towards their employers as well, but not every employee complies with them all the time. Typical employees only work a limited number of hours per day or week; they need to sleep, take vacations, sick days, mental health days, caregiver leave, compassionate leave, etc.  Sometimes they arrive at work late and leave early, they get injured, either on the job or elsewhere, preventing or impeding their work; either way, they require vacation pay, benefits, statutory holiday pay, and health insurance. Some employees go on strike, demand pay raises, or just quit when they are needed most. Some get bored, depressed, or slip into a funk, start drinking too much, argue or get into disputes with other employees, or focus too much on their own problems to provide any benefit to the company. Eventually all employees get old, tired, outdated in their knowledge or skills, and need to be replaced. This leads to recruitment costs, training costs, and reduced efficiency until the new employees get up the learning curve.

It is probably safe to say that these numerous challenges and the thought of having to deal with employees are key reasons why many people don’t own a business, and don’t ever want to. But what about these alleged employees that pay you – could they also eliminate all the other challenges and obligations employers face? Well, as a matter of fact, yes! The best employees never need to be paid, work 24 x 7, don’t have any employee rights, and don’t incur the burden of employer obligations. What could be sweeter – how do I get in on this action?

The straightforward answer is to hire dollars instead of people to work for you, and that is done by saving and investing. Think of every dollar you save and invest as another dollar-employee working tirelessly for you, paying you instead of being paid by you, avoiding all the complications of human employees while passively generating additional dollar-employees to grow your earnings and your wealth. The most powerful concept in multiplying your wealth is getting your wealth to grow itself for you. That way, the more dollars you have working for you, the faster they will create additional dollars that will also work for you.

In the financial world this is known as compound interest or compounding your wealth. The master investor, Warren Buffet, calls it the snowball effect. When rolling a snowball, the bigger it gets the faster it gets bigger.

But aren’t you really just trading one set of problems and challenges for another when you employ dollars instead of people? Doesn’t investing take a lot of learning, effort, trial and error, knowing who to believe and who to avoid, watching stock markets, market indicators, listening to pundits, reviewing corporate reports, following stock market indicators, charts, patterns, etc.?

And what about the risks? Isn’t it possible to lose money in investments just as easily as making any money? Who has the time and resources to invest successfully enough to avoid all the pitfalls? Is it necessary to get a broker, pay for financial planners, wealth managers, investment research and advisory services, or subscribe to some investment guidance program?

Well, all those things are certainly available through the financial planning and wealth management industry. Their purveyors will present their services as the safe and profitable way to invest, but none of that is necessary. The truth is that all the service providers in this booming industry make about as much from your money as you are likely to make. Which demonstrates two things:

  1. There IS money to be made by investing, and
  2. You could make a lot more if you knew how to invest as safely as the wealth management industry does but avoid all the costs of their services.

These financial planners, wealth advisors, etc., are educated and trained in investment methods, and they offer investment structures that are relatively low risk and low volatility. For this, they earn handsome salaries, commissions, bonuses, benefits, and perks – all of which are paid for by the portfolios of their clients. There are about a million such workers in America today, and many of them make between $250,000 and $500,000 per year…except senior executives, who make a lot more.

Professional investment assistance may be a relatively safe choice, but the results they achieve are inevitably a recipe for mediocrity. To retain clients, they must generate some gains, or at least deliver performance that compares favorably to benchmarks and reduces volatility. This can have its advantages, and therefore provides adequate value, for those whose investment objectives and risk tolerance are both low. For those who earn plenty from their career or business, and just want to ensure that their savings keep up with inflation and don’t get lost, it’s not a bad strategy.

For those of us who actually want to generate wealth by investing, however, getting your money employed by you directly, instead of paying service providers to invest for you, is a much better strategy. There is a straightforward way to accomplish this, and it costs just a few dollars to learn, takes just one hour of your life to set up and automate, and then passively creates a snowball of wealth that continues to grow faster as it gets bigger. It’s a set-and-forget strategy that will work, not for just anyone, but for everyone!

To find out how, visit www.newbornnestegg.com and follow the link to purchase the book ‘Newborn Nest Egg’. The book presents an investing formula that you can learn and put into practice immediately, and then just live your life and watch passive income grow automatically. This is true freedom from paying and dealing with employees while having a growing multitude of dollar-employees working to pay you.

If all this sounds too good to be true, consider yourself more astute than most, because many claims of this nature are exactly that. You can confirm for yourself that the claims are true by simply reading the book found at www.newbornnestegg.com and realizing that there is nothing more being asked of you; there are no ongoing fees, subscriptions, or paid services of any kind. Just a breath of fresh air and simplicity in a world of complexity, noise, and incessant social media messages proclaiming new secrets that inevitably cost substantial amounts and provide uncertain outcomes. Consider this your wake-up call.

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